01-27-2011, 05:00 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 137
Windows Phone 7 Hits 2 Million in Sales
On the eve of their earnings release, Microsoft has made another announcement regarding sales of Windows Phone 7 licenses. According to Microsoft, they sold over 2M licenses to OEMs. This represents a very good start to making Windows Phone a viable contender to iOS and Android. Unlike Android, Microsoft charges a fee for Windows Phone 7, so whether or not these licenses are sold to OEMs or to consumers there will be associated revenues. However, nobody knows exactly how many Windows Phones have been sold directly to consumers. Other good news released by Microsoft relates to a survey they conducted which indicated that 93% of individuals polled were satisfied with Windows Phone. Hopefully this good start provides them with some incentive to quickly update the system to compensate for bugs and much requested upgrades.
01-27-2011, 07:45 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 190
That is a rather misleading title, done IMO intentionally to falsely inflate things.
Let us be clear and honest ... there are NOT 2 million WiMi 7 phones sold ... nor have that many been MADE! I doubt 1 million are out there in actually hands of consumers (as opposed to the last set of misleading numbers).
Android and iOS are registering nearly 2 million ACTUAL DEVICES per week ...
No matter what color lipstick they use, after more than 2 months WiMi 7 has ABSOLUTELY no traction.
01-27-2011, 09:15 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 740
I wonder why they keep using the number of licenses shipped and not the one of the units activated....
Besides 2,000,000 are what 3% of the market? Not so good.....
Anyway these are my forecasts: by 2012/2013 WP7 will be abandoned and MS will use W8 in every situation. And yes this is possible because the OS is modular; check the size of W7 kernel.
01-28-2011, 01:21 PM
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 15
Originally Posted by Fritzly
I wonder why they keep using the number of licenses shipped and not the one of the units activated....
Besides 2,000,000 are what 3% of the market? Not so good.....
Anyway these are my forecasts: by 2012/2013 WP7 will be abandoned and MS will use W8 in every situation. And yes this is possible because the OS is modular; check the size of W7 kernel.
Doubtful as the desktop kernel is just full of bloat, it won't compete... Microsoft need to shift to a new operating system (Linux/FreeBSD for example) - get rid of Windows for good, and concentrate on integration with their products that work.
Overall these figures are grossly misleading, so I agree WP7 sounds like a flop. They missed the boat by a few years fscking around with WindowsMobile.
01-28-2011, 07:02 PM
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 23
I would have to disagree that WP7 is a flop, or that they should just give up. I think they have time to gain steam, as noted in some outlets that reported from Redmond about product awareness, and 93% satisfactory of the product from consumers. Smartphone market is still exploding, and granted they did not address the issue early enough.
The interesting thing is Windows Mobile had everything, in my opinion, going for it. If they redesigned the memory management, kept the Metro UI, added Palm recognition for tablets w/ Windows Mobile 6.X OS for handwriting, opened up the multi touch, added in all live services, and really pushed the first party app development I think they would have overtaken the market.
The only think that makes WP7 a failure is the fact there has not been a single update. I really want a WP7 device but the lack of updates, and features missing is stopping me from upgrading. I currently use HTC Fuze, which i bought recently from ebay for thirty-seven bucks. To be honest it is the best smartphone I ever bought. I don't use the Live services like Zune and Xbox, so that is not the deal breaker for me. I will probably use those services if i upgrade.
They have a new and excellent foundation, but they need to work faster to push through updates (but granted they need the rigorous quality testing), and open up the robustness of all their services worldwide. The US has enjoyed great services they provide to their fullest and it shame that worldwide their services are severely crippled. I think it is early to tell whether if it is a flop. In regards to Windows Mobile, I think it will live forever in the developer community for power users. great and innovative ideas have spawned there and I think Windows Mobile has the robustness and capabilities.
02-02-2011, 05:12 AM
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 62
Lash Down the Rudder!...Now HARD A'Port!
Fundamentally, MS is trying to make a complete U-Turn but they have forgotten to undo the steering lock with the result that no-one is drawn to their offering.
Fundamentally, WPhone is about abandoning their customer base - businesses, adults and Hackers - and attempting to appeal to kids and 20-somethings. How else do you explain a "Windows" "Smart"Phone that doesn't interlink with "Windows" Outlook! And please tell the MS Spin Creature in the corner that a partial syncing that requires an exchange 2 Server and/or Skydrive is NOT a solution - it's a disaster, and an admission that MS doesn't care about this segment of the Market. Heck, at the moment I can sync my HD2/WM6.5 with my local Outlook and my Companies Google Apps email/calendar - but I can't do it with WP! WTF!
OK, so they flushed the only people who had any connection to their mobile offerings, and this is OK because they were going to take the 'Youth' Market by storm - right! Gimmie a break. If you're into games and social media why would you switch from Android or the iPhone to something that wants you to play re-hashed X-Box games and the same SocMed that you could get on a platform you know, that is popular with Developers, and isn't associated with Business. Now I know that MS has a plan to deal with the latter, mainly by driving everyone who uses their phone for work into the arms of their competitors, but seriously, who expects anyone under 35 to even consider a MS Phone product with such a lame set of features and Apps?
Oh, I know - the couple of hundred die-hards who keep their music on their Zune (Google it if you don't know what it is - I won't be surprised).
Then there's MS's apparent addiction to the ever mystical "Cloud" that we're all supposed to be in love with - coming just as the US Carriers are abandoning monthly unlimited plans for much more expensive limited data packages. Great foresight there MS! And when they launch their usual betaware phones with a bug that sucks down scads of this ever more expensive data, they respond with silence, and then a "We know who's responsible but we won't tell YOU!" attitude. Yah - that's really going to draw me in!
WP is going nowhere. No one at the helm has a clue and the corporate beast still can't see that while they sell their OS to OEMs, the Customer is the USER and you'd better not earn a reputation for leaving them twisting in the wind or no-one will volunteer to PAY for the pain of using your products.
Sad really, they had a chance, but frankly when my HD2 WM6.5 phone no longer meets my needs, it's off to Android or Apple I will go, even if by then MS has patched WP to allow syncing my Outlook Contacts to my kids X-Box's hard drive or whatever half-assed nod they finally give to the needs of Adult phone owners.
02-02-2011, 05:51 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 761
Sadly true, when my HTC says bye-bye I am also considering getting an Android or even an iPhone.
And I really liked windows mobile too. I've been saddened to see what has become of it.
02-02-2011, 07:10 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 2,503
Originally Posted by TKETZ196
The only think that makes WP7 a failure is the fact there has not been a single update.
It's barely 3 months! Cupcake on Android took at least as long, if not longer.
Baka. Soku. Zan. - The justice behind the dysORDer.
02-02-2011, 09:30 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 190
Originally Posted by Lee Yuan Sheng
It's barely 3 months! Cupcake on Android took at least as long, if not longer.
I agree ... but also disagree.
It is no longer 2008, so comparing those things are not relevant. Also, Apple took crap over copy & paste, but again, that was 2008 and the whole matter is DONE. Introducing a device without it now is a mistake, and makes some folks feel it is a half-baked solution ... and keeps them away.