Welcome to Android Thoughts!

Welcome Thoughts Readers, to a site conceived in the back of a bus! Specifically a bus in Seattle, Washington, earlier this year. In the back of said bus was the fearless leader of Thoughts Media, Jason Dunn, and myself, and our discussion rambled over toward Android. Fittingly, a year earlier I had become interested in the platform and was carrying with me a T-Mobile G1, and both Jason and I agreed that the platform was getting bigger and better by the day - the perfect candidate for a new Thoughts Site. But while Jason found Android interesting, he hadn't really "gotten into it" and decided that if a Thoughts Site were to be launched, it would be similar to Apple Thoughts, without his editorial presence. I guess you can see who decided to step up to the challenge of running the site! So what can you expect from us? And who is Android Thoughts? Read on and find out, then post a message and let us know you're as psyched as we are!In February 2005, I joined Thoughts Media as a Contributing Editor at Pocket PC Thoughts. Drawn in by the prospect to write for a site I loved to follow as a reader, I soon found out that the solid editorial content, discussion of current news, and periodic frustration-fueled rants were all hallmarks of a unique and awesome reader experience. Here at Android Thoughts, you'll find it's no different. We're going to provide you with original content in the form of expert reviews, quick looks, tutorials, and more. We're also going to discuss current Android news of the day, and we're going to get the community talking about Google's unique phone operating system and the devices (both good and bad) that run it. And once the expected plethora of tablets running Android emerge in greater force, we'll cover those too! Over the news few days each Editor will publish a short introduction post for themselves, and some of the faces will be familiar to readers of other Thoughts sites. We've also even snagged another Windows Phone MVP to make editorial appearances from time to time, because while the giants may compete for our business, it thankfully doesn't have to be a monogamous relationship! While the bulk of my energy will be devoted over here to Android Thoughts, I'll still continue serving as the News Editor for Windows Phone Thoughts, and will be posting there from time to time. A man can have two smartphone loves! The smartphone industry continues to provide new surprises ever day, and starting today, we'll keep you informed of the ongoing adventures of our little robot operating system. Today you'll see a number of articles published that we've got ready so far, with more along the way over the next few days! So why not drop a message in the forum and let us know you're ready to join us on the journey!
Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
Executive Editor - Android Thoughts
News Editor - Windows Phone Thoughts