06-11-2010, 03:11 PM
Contributing Editor
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 118
How far can an iPad go in replacing a laptop?
Now that the iPad has been out for a bit and people are starting to get some experience with them, do you have thoughts on how far an iPad can go to replace a laptop?
This will, of course, vary depending on the intended use of the iPad/laptop. So, here's a scenario...
If you use your laptop primarily for taking notes at meetings or while you are traveling to review documents, could you get away with a desktop at the office and just carry the iPad along to meetings? This would require viewing and syncing notes somehow (maybe using Google docs or the new SkyDrive Office docs or MobileNoter's sync capability).
Another thought: since you have had your iPad has it ever occurred to you that either
1. "Hey, I don't need my laptop as much as I used to", or
2. "This is nice, but I appreciate my laptop more than ever".