05-12-2010, 06:26 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 420
izen QuickAccess Today and eXpense Pro - save 30%
eXpense Pro - save 30% from PDATopSoft.com
eXpense Pro
eXPense Pro is a comprehensive and customizable expense tracking software program which allows you to track your personal, family income & company billing expenses combined with the ease of Export / Import and Report handling features.
With eXpense Pro you will also learn more about improving and strengthening your financial requirements how to pro-actively manage your money with cost?cutting initiatives.
You can add an Income or Expense record where expenses can be made personal or billable. Additionally you can also add Travel Expenses which in turn can again be categorized as personal or billable just in case you have to claim the expenses from your company.
From now on you shall never miss to get paid back from company as you have recorded the billing information safely, and if you happen to be a frequent traveler eXpense Pro helps to store all your trip and billing expenses details at ease.
The Detail View lists the Income, Personal Expenses & Billable Expenses for any given month with different colour shades.
Windows Mobile Finance software
izen QuickAccess Today - save 30% from PDATopSoft.com
izen QuickAccess Today
izen QuickAccess Today is a Today plugin that informs you of all the vital information you need on a PDA/PDA phone. It is designed to be compact yet allows users to be on the know of their upcoming schedules.
Time remaining on the next appointment within 3 weeks (highlighted on an ongoing appointment)
Total task to be accomplished or start within 3 weeks
Preview window for details information of Appointments & Task
Current date & time
PDA battery, memory, internal storage, storage card status.
Unread emails, sms/mms
Number of missed call
Windows Mobile Utilities pack