Sprint Says Touch Pro 2 6.5 Update By End of Q1
"Windows Mobile 6.5 fever: catch it! AT&T had the good fortune of releasing the Tilt2 late enough to get 6.5 out of the gate, but the other guys have been falling in line ever since: first Verizon, then T-Mobile, and now Sprint's getting in on the action. The bad news is that they're only committing to a vague "by the end of first quarter, 2010" window at this point" Ah the dysfunctional Windows Mobile update model. Microsoft releases the update, and providers screw around with it for months first deciding if they should release it (or hold back hoping people will buy newer models), then tote the official party line of "we must make sure it works well on our network" (Hint: It always does, this just gives them a stall line for another 4-6 months). Then they must decide what sort of crap to put in the ROM that you'll never actually use (That takes 1-2 more months I'm guessing). Finally they have the update ready, but usually decide to hold off another 1-2 months just for fun (Looking squarely at you T-mobile...). Finally around 10 months after Microsoft releases the version, it may show up on some handsets owned by the devoted masses, but most likely won't as they've already moved on. Seriously guys - this is messed up!
Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
Executive Editor - Android Thoughts
News Editor - Windows Phone Thoughts