Yet Another “New Guy"...
Apparently Jason is indeed determined to OUT SOURCE as much work as possible. Either that or he simply felt it was politically imperative to have someone represent the - ahh - More Experienced Thoughts Media audience.... eWallet's entry for "PocketPCThoughts" says my Password was changed in Aug 2004, so have been hanging around for a bit (what happened to the early posts?! Sorry - rhetorical question...), and, along with the other new Trainees, am hoping to make a more consistent contribution to a site that has proved informative and fun to visit. Like many visitors to tech sites, I have a broad range of interests: AV background extends from phonographs (still the sweetest sound) and reel-to-reel tape, through audio cassettes and CDs, & on to HD-DVDs, Blu-ray, and a pair of plasma TVs. In computing, we go back to punch cards & magnetic tape (and Eight Inch Floppies!), through home built systems (at least 3 still in use), a small stack of notebooks, and on to a Dell Mini 10v - which, in theory, is more powerful than any of the owned notebooks! I've done a lot of "document-centric" and CRM work, and thus have always had an interest in scanners, printers, text search, and OCR (was a beta tester for OmniPage 17), along with PIMs and more powerful CRM & database programs. My first PDA, a Handspring Visor Platinum, was purchased to extend PIM/CRM data to a handheld platform. Then moved to a Dell Axim, which still sees frequent use even though a Fuze is now the main PDA/Smartphone unit. As for photography, at one time we had an older darkroom set up, but am afraid that I have now become a "casual photographer," having turned my Asahi Pentax Spotmatic II system over to our youngest daughter, who runs it alongside a Pentax DSLR kit. Main personal camera is now a Canon S3 IS, with a small "kit"; but also have a couple of old 35mm rangefinders, a slightly newer Nikon 35mm compact, and a pair of Canon digital compacts (A70 & 590IS). Hopefully that is enough tech background to warrant what is sometimes labeled an "Old School" approach to things - but also hope that this rather lengthy intro will spur some conversations with those of similar interests! On the non-technical side, we have five children - the youngest a Junior in college - and became Grandparents earlier this year. I am "semi-retired" (as are many here in SE MI, whether by choice or otherwise); we lead the MarriageBuilders team at our church, and are active in a local non-profit. And, again like many who frequent tech sites, am often called upon to express an opinion about some technical purchase or another - which at least tends to keep one somewhat up-to-date! That about does it for now (!) - trust that this finds everyone well (and reasonably warm!).