Trouble At Project Pink
On the eve of the biggest concerted launch we've seen from Microsoft's mobile side since, well, ever, comes a bit of less than optimistic rumor about the fabled "Pink" project. Mobile Crunch cites an anonymous source that spells out major trouble in the Pink camp. 
Having worked in the corporate world my whole career, this tale sounds awfully familiar. Looks like Microsoft didn't really have any firm idea of what to do with their Danger acquisition, and more importantly the whole project didn't have a champion at senior management level. Overlaps between Pink and Windows Mobile probably didn't help matters either. Which is a shame, because with the right kind of vision and leadership, Project Pink might have opened up new markets for MS. One more case study for business school types.
"A planner is a gentle man, with neither sword nor pistol.
He walks along most daintily, because his balls are crystal."