"HP Friday announced the HP You on You project, a contest on YouTube that invites entrants from around the world to create and share videos that express who they are - without showing their faces. The contest uses new video creation tools on YouTube, including improved video remixing and webcam video tools, to allow people of all skill levels to submit videos that run the gamut from comedies to mini-biographies and documentaries, and showcase their individual passions, causes and creative gifts. Running through Aug. 30, the contest offers the opportunity for contestants to win more than $300,000 in cash and prizes from HP. The contest is an extension of HP's award-winning "The PC Is Personal Again" campaign, which features achievers including Shaun White, Serena Williams and Fergie discussing what they do with their HP PCs in a series of "Hands" commercials that don't show their faces."
Feeling creative? Got a video camera or Web cam? Go for it and win some prizes!
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