Should I Buy an iPhone Now, or Wait?
I've reached the breaking point with Windows Mobile, and put away the money I need to buy an iPhone. Some iPhone owners I know claim that Apple is going to be coming out with new models soon and tell me to wait for WWDC in June. Of course, even if Apple announces new iPhone hardware, that doesn't mean it will go on sale in June. It could be 6 months or more until it's available.
Even if new iPhone hardware becomes available, the current 3G is pretty darn good.
Would I be all right if I just bought a 16GB 3G iPhone now, or wait for something new?
Current devices: iPhone 3G. Previous devices: Samsung Epix and 1st gen 32GB iPod Touch BlackJack II, iPaq 6945, iPaq hx4705, Dell Axim x30 high, iPaq 3765.