04-01-2009, 06:59 PM
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APRIL FOOLS: Microsoft Kills Windows Mobile Standard at CTIA!
"... In a stunning turn of event, Steve Ballmer announced today at CTIA that Microsoft would be dropping the Windows Mobile Standard platform. When asked why Steve was quoted as saying 'Touch is the way of the future. No one wants to use a phone where they can not touch the screen. It's like that scene from Back to the Future II where Marty is in the cafe with Max Headroom and was showing the kids how to play the arcade game and they laughed at him because it was like a child’s toy. That is what we feel Windows Mobile Standard has become'..." 
Harsh words coming from Steve Ballmer at this year’s CTIA and I for one am sad to see the death of the Windows Mobile Smartphone platform. It has been a good little platform and has served us all very well for so many years... except that one year I owned an MPx220. Microsoft dropping the Windows Mobile Standard platform makes sense though as we have not seen any Windows Mobile 6.5 screenshots floating around the scene as of late. However just because it makes sense doesn't mean it hurts any less. Thank you Steve Ballmer for breaking my heart! Am I the only one upset by this news? I hope not and I hope to hear you guys sound off in our forums!

04-01-2009, 08:40 PM
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 338
Good - now MSFT can focus on doing one thing (touch enabled interface) and doing that one thing RIGHT. I never did really like my old Q - I found it too limiting and once I went back to a full fledged touch screen device I didn't understand how I put up with the old Q as long as I did!

04-01-2009, 08:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Bob Anderson
Good - now MSFT can focus on doing one thing (touch enabled interface) and doing that one thing RIGHT. I never did really like my old Q - I found it too limiting and once I went back to a full fledged touch screen device I didn't understand how I put up with the old Q as long as I did!
Psst! This was an April Fools joke! 

04-01-2009, 09:37 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 174
Originally Posted by Bob Anderson
Good - now MSFT can focus on doing one thing (touch enabled interface) and doing that one thing RIGHT. I never did really like my old Q - I found it too limiting and once I went back to a full fledged touch screen device I didn't understand how I put up with the old Q as long as I did!
Good riddance to something that never did work right anyhow! But I suspect that Steve will have a change of heart tomorrow 

04-01-2009, 10:40 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 486
I don't like April Fools for this reason. Raise my hopes, then dash them.

04-01-2009, 11:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Bob Anderson
I never did really like my old Q - I found it too limiting and once I went back to a full fledged touch screen device I didn't understand how I put up with the old Q as long as I did!
Touch devices aren't for everyone. Compared to non-touch devices, touch devices are bigger, thicker, tend to lack keyboards, are heavier, more fragile, and less stable from a software perspective. They're great for some things, and some people, but I want my phone to be a great phone, and that's exactly what Windows Mobile Standard smartphones are. 

04-02-2009, 12:18 AM
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 338
Originally Posted by alex_kac
I don't like April Fools for this reason. Raise my hopes, then dash them.
I second that!
I got fooled - I really thought there was a chance this would happen - so the headline seemed reasonable.
I'll be more careful next year

04-02-2009, 02:08 AM
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Posts: 2,432
Sorry guys! Next year I'll try to make the prank less believable

04-02-2009, 12:47 PM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 429
Every April Fool's joke I fell for yesterday involved Windows Mobile. Maybe it's because they all sound exactly like something Microsoft would actually do.
Current devices: iPhone 3G. Previous devices: Samsung Epix and 1st gen 32GB iPod Touch BlackJack II, iPaq 6945, iPaq hx4705, Dell Axim x30 high, iPaq 3765.

04-03-2009, 03:14 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2007
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Originally Posted by Jason Dunn
Touch devices aren't for everyone. 
How can you say that? Obviously, if people needed a non-touch phone, Apple would have made one.