02-10-2009, 03:18 AM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 518
Turn Off Fuze/Touch Pro?
Think this subject has come up in the past, but am wondering How Often owners TURN OFF their Fuze (Touch Pro) - or other PDA/Phone combo for that matter - as opposed to simply Dimming The Screen - ??
Better-Half was complaining about connection problems with her LG Shine, & our Favorite AT&T Rep asked her how often she turned the device OFF: Turns out the answer was "hardly ever,"and it seems that that practice (leaving a mobile phone ON all of the time) is a common cause of connectivity problems.
Seems that owners of "smart phones" - and specifically iPhones & PDA/Phone Combos (like the Fuze...) - are among the most guilty when it comes to NOT turning their devices COMPLETELY off. Reps field a LOT of complaints from owners about poor connectivity: apparently there is a database of TOWER ASSIGNMENTS that is only upgraded when a device is cycled completely Off & then back on.
This may not often be important, but if there happens to be a lot of tower reassignments - new ones / repairs to old ones / whatever - your phone doesn't know where to look for a signal.
A side benefit (on the Fuze, anyway) is that you RECAPTURE a significant amount of MEMORY!