Coming To Our Galaxy: The Asus Galxy7?
"A mysterious Asus phone dubbed the "Omnia Killer" due to it's Omnia-like appearance, showed up recently on the Intertubes. Speculation has been running rampant (an 800mhz processor?) about the possible details of the phone. Thanks to, the phone has finally been given a name and some specs to go along with it. From now on it shall be known as Asus Glaxy7 (its' codename is missing an "a"?)" 
I'm not sure how hard it would be to kill the Omnia, as I've heard both good and bad praise of the device. Asus may be ready to step it up a notch with the Galxy7, if the specs posted are to be believed.
Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
Executive Editor - Android Thoughts
News Editor - Windows Phone Thoughts