Your Top Gadget Pick
So as was previously mentioned on two of the four Thoughts Media sites, I'm not too particularly thrilled with my selection when it comes to Pocket PCs or Smartphones this year. However I do have a bit of money saved up and while I'm certainly not opposed to the idea of keeping it in the bank until the next lovely device comes along to quench my gadget thirst, I am wondering if there is something I'm missing. Perhaps there is some neat gadget that I just don't know about that would provide me with hours of joy in my own geeky way. Perhaps a new gizmo that would save me time at work or make me look wicked cool. Or even something that will allow me to pull off those oh-so-sweet moves where people scratch their heads and go "How did Jon do that?" or "Where did Jon get that?". And I need your help Thoughts Readers - to let me know what I may be missing. What gadget have you noticed in the last few months, perhaps even purchased, and think is extremely high on the awesome-ness meter? Give me your best suggestions and who knows - perhaps I'll find it equally interesting. And of course, if I decide to pursue it, I'd be happy to write up a review for anyone interested to read!
Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
Executive Editor - Android Thoughts
News Editor - Windows Phone Thoughts