06-16-2008, 08:08 PM
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 2
How to retain folder structures?
Hi, first time post here. I'm planning on buying a Zune 8GB soon but I just have a question about folders on my PC and syncing. I've downloaded the Zune software to play around with.
I have several folders on my PCs with thousands of songs in each. Each folder contains songs from different albums, artists, genres, etc. Basically each folder is in essence a playlist. Whatever songs I feel like listening to I just right click the folder and Enqueue in Winamp.
When I add these folders to my collection, it gets rid of the folder structure and just puts everything in one big list which I can browse by artist, genre, etc. The problem is that it doesn't know which songs came from which folder which means it's not organized the way I want. Is it possible to make a playlist based on folder or would I have to manually go through and pick out the songs again? I hope this makes sense. Thanks.