Disable camera button on BJII?
I am still getting used to the BJII, as I upgraded from the BJ. It would almost have been easier if I had come from a completely different phone. The two are very close, but still there are some subtle differences that I haven't gotten accustomed to. One is the camera button being on the main keyboard now. Can I disable that? It is too easy to accidently turn the camera on, which is a big no-no where I work.
And why did they have to make the menu structures alphabetic now instead of numeric? I had all the numbers memorized. Now that they menus are alphabetic, I have to search the keyboard. For instance, to set normal profile on the BJ, you would tap the power button (don't get me started on why they had to move that too) and then hit "4". Now you tap the power button and hit "D". But it isn't as easy to find D on the keyboard as 4 (for me at least). I just use the jog wheel now instead of using the shortcuts.
While I'm on a roll here, why did they have to move the asterisk button too?
Ok, I'm done for now, Thanks.
iPhone 3GS, iPad, 27" i3 iMac, AppleTV, AirPort Extreme