12-19-2007, 09:17 PM
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 318
I'm getting EDGE to use at home...
My parents finally gave up on waiting for cable or DSL availability. Satellite is just stupid, and the wireless internet from town is blocked by a hill.
The only two options left are EDGE from Edge Wireless/AT&T, and dialup, which usually connects about 24kbps. We are paying for NetZero + a second phone line. I leave it connected all of the time, and that computer shares the connection across my home network. It's a desktop running XP Pro.
I called Edge Wireless and they are going to get back to me about borrowing an Aircard to make sure it works. The aircard is a Sony Erricson GC-89 PC Card. The literature says that it can download at up to about 120kbps, which seems kinda low for EDGE.
How fast is EDGE, really?
Also, should I just get a PCI to PCMCIA adapter so I can continue to use my little server?
And are there better USB or PCMCIA (People cant remember computer industry acronyms!) cards out there?
Last question: I only get 2 bars on my Nokia 6300, and my dad and sister both usually get 3 on their Razrs. Is this going to be a problem?