10-05-2007, 03:48 AM
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 3
Suddenly wont use personal ringtones- Help!
So, I've grown to love my little pocket PC here, affectionately named Admiral, but I've suddenly run into the most unusual problem with him.Suddenly, he's stopped using my personal ringtones. I mean, you know how you can right click on music and click 'set as ringtone'? well, all the songs I had done that too are gone now from the ringtone list. Ontop of that, it wont let me re-set them as ringtones because it says there isn't enough space, which I know there is because 33.84MB of space left on the phone it's self.
I just want my ringtones back, I had to go through my contact list and reset everyone to a default ringtone to even know when I'm being called...