I just recent got a Cingular 3125 with the smartphone data connect plan. I had been using a Dell Axim for quite a while but never email because GPRS tethering was extremely slow. I purchased the 3125 through my company & it was basically free.
My job requires me to be out in the field & my company is too cheap to spring for wireless cards for our laptops. I figured the 3125 would suffice just for send & receive the occasional email. This is the problem.
It seems that Outlook email only allows you to sync your outlook email form your PC to the phone. It does not allow you to send & receive via your phone. This is without setting up an additional account. Which to me is pointless. When I purchased the phone I setup an ATT Yahoo sub account, which I want to use for strictly work use. You would think that with MS Outlook configured for that account on my laptop that those setting would then translate to WM5 Outlook as well. This does not appear to be the case.
I did setup an additional account on my phone with the same settings. Therefore I can send & receive emails from that account on my phone. The problem is that I cannot sync those messages to my laptop. Those same messages download again once I connect my laptop to the Internet. Am I just missing something?
Is there a way to save email attachments to the storage card? This seems to yet another dumb move on MS.
Is there an alternative email program that will sync with outlook?