06-06-2007, 01:30 AM
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 5
bluetooth versus wi-fi
i want to connect my pocket pc using bt, as i'll save a lot of energy this kind.
Will i have any drawbacks as against to a wi-fi connection in terms of content that i'm able to access, way of access etc?
I know the range is shorter and bandwidth lower but i don't care too much.
I read that using wi-fi i must established an ad hoc connection, is it worth as against a normal one?
I don't know, are there wireless routers or access points that link to blootooth devices?
I'm in the stage for searching the suitable router for a small wireless network comprised of Windows and Linux desktops and PPCs. I use cable modem for the internet, the ISP won't give me a router, i must find it myself and link it to the ISP cable modem.
How can i connect that way please because i intent to use BT?