03-29-2007, 12:50 AM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 211
Some questions re: 700wx
I've been a Pocket PC user for years but I'm about to pick up my first "connected" device - the 700wx. There are a few questions that my wireless provider can't seem to answer, however.
First, how are ROM updates handled on these devices? Are they issued by Palm or by the wireless provider (or a combination of the two)? I'm curious whether Palm issues updates the way other manufacturers like Dell or HP do and if so are they universally compatible or do they have to be customized by each wireless provider.
Next, my main computer is a Macbook Pro and I'm wondering whether I can use the 700wx as a modem. My wireless provider apparently blocks bluetooth access for the modem but USB connections work fine. They only support Windows though, not OS X.
Is it simply a matter of loading a driver that will recognize the Treo or is there more going on behind the scenes? I use a cell phone as a modem right now and it's just configured as a dialup connection on the Mac that dials a certain number that connects to the EVDO service. I'm wondering if I'll be able to use the Treo the same way.
Lastly, I've been reading about an AKU3 update that will work with the latest version of the Mac OS. Is there some way to determine whether it's installed on the Treo? Is there a certain version number for the OS or some other indication?