03-09-2007, 11:14 PM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 42
GPRS starts when trying to use my WIFI connection with my Internet Explorer
Is there a trick to making sure that I don't have my HTC Tytn start going to my Gprs connection when launching Internet exploer ,instead of going directly to my WIfi? and thus costing me extra $ and aggravation? What I have been doing is going to settings, and launching Wifi , get connected to access point,, and in this process, the "G" or gprs kicks out leaving me a Wifi connection confirmed, and at that point,, I click on Explorer Icon,, and I would have thought that Explorer would seek out the Wifi connection automatically. But that seems to be a hit and miss proposition, and not sure if there might be a default somewhere that I can click in the connection area perhaps, or in IE that would default to WiFi being the connection to use. Occasionally I do get that Wifi connection automatically,, but I have to monitor it like crazy after launching IE to make sure that it isn't dialing in on the GPRS.. Any help on this topic would be appreciated.. I have seen mention of this topic somewhere on a forum somewhere, perhaps not on PPC thoughts.
HTC TyTn 1605 Vodafone,Toshiba E830 ,Globalstar-338 BT-GPS