12-24-2006, 11:07 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 196
problem playing embedded video in Word document
I have about 20 Word documents on my wife's pc that have 30 second video clips embedded in the document. When she goes to play them, I have no problems. They play inside of the document with no problem. However, when I put these documents onto her SD card and she opens them on her HP Ipaq 5455, the document (and it's text) is there, but the video icon is not there to play.
In order to play the video, she has to load the video separate from the document and then my wife has to read the abstract of the article, then close the document, then open the video separtely from a different folder. The videos are .wmv and .avi. She plays them using Windows Media Player 9 or TCPMP.
Is there a way for her to play the video from inside of the Word document on her handheld, like on her regular pc?