12-21-2006, 03:02 AM
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 455
Happy Whateverdays!
Yes, whatever you're celebrating this time of year... Christmas... Hanukkah... Kwanzaa... FestivusForTheRestOfUs... here's hoping you're having a good time, not getting too stressed, and not getting the Holiday Blues.
Many people get the Holiday Blues this time of year, for a lot of reasons... too much to do... separation from family... feelings of inadequacy... lack of money. Many of those people would like to do more at this time of year, too, but have a hard time doing so because of one of the things listed above. Fortunately, there's something that can be done for Blues-feelers everywhere: Buy them a book!
That's right, what better gift is there than books? Books can entertain, pass the time, and make you feel part of something. And thanks to the invention of e-books, it's easier than ever to send a book to someone, in seconds, over the web! "Shipping? I don't need no stinkin' shipping! Haa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!"
So, send someone an e-book for the holidays, like... I dunno... a nice noir-style mystery, or some great sci-fi novels. Make 'em feel good about the holidays, and having you as a friend, and the convenience of e-books!
That's the spirit!
Steven Lyle Jordan: Original SF so good, Fox would never put in on the air.