What Tips Do You Have For Phone Edition Users?
After being disappointed a year ago by the latest Pocket PC Phone Edition (the JASJAR), I've taken the plunge again into the world of converged devices. I got a great deal on a Cingular 8125 and am trying to take advantage of all it has to offer. I'm getting the hang using it as my "main" Pocket PC, but I bet there are a lot of you out there who have some great advice on getting the most out of a Phone Edition.
So, for all of you Phone Edition afficinados out there, I have some questions about real life use:
1. What phone-specific applications do you think are "must-haves?"
2. What case (if any) do you use?
3. What "gotchas" (if any) have you found with your Phone Edition?
4. How the heck do you hold your device when using the slide-out keyboard? My huge hands can`t seem to hang onto mine while typing.
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