Handango's total disrespect for developers?
Since recently, in the Handango purchase confirmation emails that we receive from Handango, we often find customer emails that are syntactically incorrect, e.g. "john_dow@aol" (i.e. domain extension missing).
Has any other developer reveived purchase confirmation emails from Handango that have the same problem?
We notified Handango, but the answer we received from them was (in essence):
Dear Handango developer, who cares, why the f*ck do you need the customer's email. Our Developer's Terms makes it ILLEGAL for you to send ANYTHING to the customer, so if you use the email we provide in any way, we will disable all your products. So who gives a sh*t if the email we send you is syntactically correct or not.
Well, what Handango sent us was in a slightly more polite form, but that's what the message was.
We answered to Handango that in some cases we were sending OUR customers some more information about how to better use OUR product that they purchased, and that we do that to help OUR customer.
But apparently Handango is very upset if a developer sends an email to its customer with infos such as the URL of the product's FAQ and Support forum for the product that they purchased.
Basically Handango considers that people who purchase products through Handango are THEIR customers only, and not OUR customers. So what companies are normally allowed to do with their customers (e.g. contacting them to send them more info about the product they purchased) is explicitely forbidden that the Handango Terms Of Use.
As a developer, what is your opinion on Handango?
Have you ever see such a lack of respect for developers from any other catalog company? (besides pocketland.de)