01-12-2006, 09:15 PM
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 8
The future of E-books
I�m thinking on writing a paper on the future of the E-book. Yet I know very little, so I would really appreciate some help.
Some thing I been thinking about:
1.If a E-reader can be as cheap and as easy on the eyes as ordinary paper, why would anyone use paperbooks except for nostalgia?
2.I�ve gotten the impression that this technology is exists to an affordable price.
3. But if so why doesn�t the E-book market explode?
When browsing the forum I see a lot of discussion about formats. Why is this an issue? If there is a profit some big electronics company will produce and sell a cheap e-reader machine, like the DivX DVD. Is it about copy protection? Yet, I�ve been told that if you can watch a text on screen it can be OCRd down to a textfile. And P2P hubs are full of Ebooks. I can understand that the big book companies aren�t throwing themselves over the technology but why not a third party? I mean compare with the MP3 format. The music industry did everything to stop it but in the end they were overrun by consumer interest. Shouldn�t we see something like this on the E-book front? Or are book lovers fewer and less insistent then music lovers?
Are there any gurus or bibles on this subject that I should know about?