04-27-2005, 08:00 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 127
What could I do with this product? How much time have you got?
Let's begin by saying I'm self employed working about 80 hours a week as a software engineer that also supports a lot of networks and servers.
- Finish setting up Quick Books Pro Professional Services Edition.
- Get my state sales tax and other reports filed before they fine me.
- Renew my liability insurance for my corporation.
- Order a second server to back up my current server at the co-lo.
- Follow up on backend database CMS system with national company.
- Somehow find time to author media DVD for film producer.
- Get navigation templates finished for national seed company.
- Process all my mail once a week. (Paper Mail)
- Run pay-roll twice a month to keep employees and government happy.
- Keep accountant up to speed on business and daughter.
- Manage all the medical crud required to take care of my daughter (that's an enterprise time investment on it's own).
- Remember to buy a license for Personal Vehicle Manager 2005 a great product I found here but was too late to spill my guts for a free license.
- Sell children on ebay so I can buy the Mac I need for upcoming project.
- Implement an inner-office organization and management solution to help me stay ahead of the 8-ball.
- Establish methods for obtaining new business. Word of mouth is going great but I should advertise or something sooner or later.
- Get rid of all these little annoying notes laying all over the place that remind me of things I've forgotten to do.{Edit-Added}
- Establish goals for growing business (Advertising, Referral System, Leads, Involvement, Etc) I need to sustain growth and profit.
- Establish budget goals. As my business has demanded I've bought what I need. This can be wreckless. I need to start identifying capital expenses and establish goals for acquiring them.
- Establish weekly business checkpoints. There are so many repetitive and demanding tasks for running a business. A goal would be to test and implement a good system for managing the mundane.
- Personal: My daughter is very hard to manage financially. There are times where we may spend as much as $3000+ (out of pocket) a month just to feed her. There are a lot of programs we can get assistance from and a goal of mine would be to stay on top of these programs and deadlines. Social Security Disability and Katie Beckett keep us from bankruptcy but others exist. A good goal would be to find out all that we *can* gain assistance from. {/End Edit}
I think I could go on and on. But between caring for my daughter, running my own business and taking care of clients I could really use a product like this.
If you think I'm making the above up I'm not. There's one other member here that can verify the magnitudes of chaos that control my life. Okay, so you've seen my guts hopefully their spilling was not in vain. :lol:
Back to work I go.
{Additional Comments Added Later}
This contest has gone on now for a few days. When I first posted I thought cool a chance to win a task management tool and so I jumped right in. I've now had a chance to review and install the product (should have done that first). I now realize that there are tasks and then there are goals. Goals are not tasks and should not be confused with tasks.
When I considered this program and it's impact on my business I realized that something was missing. On a daily basis I'm flooded with tasks but I don't really have any goals. Admittedly, tasks are used to accomplish goals but the goal must be established so that underlying tasks can be clearly defined. Tasks that exist without a properly formed goal can be disasterous in some larger scope situations.
This thread has been fundamental in helping me see that I lack goals for my business. What things do I really want to accomplish in 2005? What things do I want to accomplish in present quarter 2005? What goals need to be pushed out to 2006? I see that goals are critical to success. I believe you can be succesful without goals but if you are then you are taking a risk you don't need to.
So to summarize, Achieve IT helped me to realize that tasks are good but many of my tasks need to be collected into and prioritized as larger goals. I would imagine that the establishment of goals will streamline my tasks and make my business more productive and effective.
{/End Additional Comments Added Later}
- Rex