If you have a TV card and Windows XP, and would like to remotely stream TV to your laptop or handheld for free, then here you go:
Create a directory on your computer called C:\tv
Download-Windows Media Encoder 9.0 (free)
-Web server software if you do not have any, get abyss (free) from http://www.aprelium.com/abyssws/index.html
- two files from my server, place in C:\tv: http://flyusaf.no-ip.com/download/
mediastream.exe creates the web pages
connection text is used by mediastrem to set up the web site
Set up your web site:
- create your URL, get one for free from http://www.no-ip.com
works great if you have DSL and no static IP address
Give the directory, c:\tv "executable" ability from the web server software
Create some media encoder files
-With media encoder create one file for each TV channel you want to stream. I use FM Quality encoding which seems to work best for my laptop. I have created different encoding for my handheld for each channel.
Edit the connection.txt file with your specific information. You should only have to edit the mms://... line