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Old 02-23-2005, 04:36 AM
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 3
Default Tech Questions

I am new here, *Hi*, and my post may need to be directed to a technical section. I have a problem, here goes:

I have a Dell Axim X30 624mhz Pocket PC with Windows Mobile 2003. When I recieved the unit, the 'today' screen came fully featured, with tasks, calander, messages, and info. I've played around with the pc some, set things up, changed a few themes, and reverted back to original themes that came with the pc.

What has happened, and what the problem is, is that the 'messages' section of 'today' screen is no longer displaying. I've found two ways to approach changing the settings for the 'today' screen.

The first way is to go through 'settings' and into 'today' and make changes. In this screen, 'messages' is no longer an option for the today screen. Adjustments to the other items on this screen (tasks, calender, info) work just fine.

The second way is to go through 'home' to 'today' and adjust the settings there. In this screen, 'messages' is an option for the today screen. Yet, even if selected, the 'messages' section is not displayed on the 'today' screen. However, adjustments to the other items in this screen (tasks, calender, info) work just fine.

So, I want the 'messages' section of the 'today' screen displayed. However, I've not been able to get it to work. I am not sure if I turned this section off while playing with the pocket pc. I may have, but I cant seem to turn it back on.

Anyone know what I did? Anyone have any suggestions or ideas for fixes. Digitz
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