12-27-2004, 09:39 PM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 15
Imate Jam storage / Main memory / SD
Hi guys recently got my Jam and not long been into PPC's
What id like to know though is when i go to install apps .etc You can either choose to install to SD / Main memory / Storage Could u tell me what the differnt parts are used for,If you get what i mean.
Like the Storage is that like an inbuilt hard drive,And whats best to install there?
Also whats best to install to the main memory,Is it best to keep that as empty as possible.
Is it the main memory that runs the programs and the storage that stores the programs like a hardrive,I like to have a lot of Homescreen plugins installed like Jounal bar and pocket weather is it best for these in the main memory or storage with is only having 64meg of both.and with these installed to this location will it slow it down,Thanks in advance