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Old 09-15-2004, 03:48 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 607
Default <sigh> cnet does it again

While browsing, I ran into one of their headlines on the first page. "PDAs that play MP3s" You know I had to take a look. (

What makes me think these people are starting to know even less about what they are talking about is this comment...."Still, we wouldn't recommend using a PDA as your only MP3 player since any type of multimedia functionality--music or video--will cause serious battery drain and could result in data loss from your handheld if you run out of juice and don't have a backup battery. "

What the hell is he talking about? This isn't 1999!!!!! When was the last time you've heard some one lose data because they drained their battery. Come on maaaan....some one reading this would be turned off from the 2215, thus running out and getting an ipod. And they'll never know what they are missing.
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