Heheh. I had a party at my house this weekend and opened up my network for a 4 hour period. OMG! No WEP!!! I�m DOOOOOMED! I was a little bit shocked when someone asked me which access point they should use.
Me: Huh?
Them: WLAN or Cipher?
Me: Cipher but there�s another network out there?
Them: Yep.
I then go around and ask who is connecting to what network. Half the people were connecting to my neighbors Access Point. We got things straightened around but that�s not cool. What�s even less cool is after checking their setup I will have to have a talk with them tonight.
1. No security on the WIFI network.
2. No password on the access point. Admin/[no pass] I�m in.
3. No password on their Administrative password for XP. Basically I could go \\[ipaddress]\c$ and get right in.
4. Ran a LANGUARD scan of their systems. They are missing so many security patches it isn�t even funny. :?
At that point I backed the heck out of their network and took a hot shower. I scrub and I scrub but I can�t get this feeling I�ve been infected or something. I�m thinking I�m going to have to play the nerd neighbor and help them set things up right. I really am starting to think before a person can get a computer they need to get a "drivers license" for using one. This kind of crap just irks me. Am I the only one who thinks a computer is more like a car then a DVD player? You need to take some freaking responsibility with it and driving into oncoming traffic (IMHO what I saw this weekend on this person�s network.) is the rough equivalent.
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