07-19-2004, 02:24 PM
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 450
[release][update] Mac OSX Tiger WisBar Advance skin v1.1
Hi all
Well, two days after release 1.0, here it is, Tiger 1.1, with two versions: one with an Apple logo as start menu and one with a windows logo as start menu. The search button thing is a bit tricky, to use it, enable "Custom 1" button, and in settings, go to order, and move "Custom 1" button to the bottom of the list, and voil�. ZIP file includes Tiger WBA1 and Tiger WBA2 skins also. Enjoy it, post any requests/bugs/suggestions here.

Tiger WisBar Advance 1.x version

Tiger WinFlag WisBar Advance 1.x version

Tiger WisBar Advance 2 beta version

Tiger WinFlag WisBar Advance 2 beta version
Download from my deviantART page