07-16-2004, 02:05 AM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 332
Graduate/Law School rotten GPA question - need some advice
I graduated in 1993 with a Political Science degree. Now, at 34, I'd like to pursue law school. But my GPA is crummy (too much fun in college, I suppose). Should I:
1. Get a masters degree (prerequisites for an MBA in Technology would be 60 hours of work).
2. Get a second bachelors degree in CS or similar (related to current field, network admin, but will anything transfer after 10 years?)
3. Just take a couple of years of undergraduate CS courses (still useful in and of themselves to my current career) to bump my cumulative GPA, score well on the LSAT and pray?
I'm thinking a second degree, bachelors or masters, will be viewed somewhat separately from my first degree, while extra undergraduate courses will just be lumped in with the rest.