06-26-2004, 02:46 PM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 18
help with buying a ppc
hey, i need some help, i wanna get a ppc that is real good for games mabie with a video card in it, i want a camera as well, i will prob end up buying a gig or 512 mb card for it, i dont mind spending a lil bit on this device but under $1000, i would like sumthing that is going to last for at LEAST 6 hours, i could always buy a bigger battery i spose, i am going to be using this for games, image editing if possible, mp3/avi/mpeg play back and lotsa program, i was thinking on the lines of the ipag 5450 but that 1 doesnt have a camera but it seems like a pretty cool ppc, any advice i would be greatful thank you............