04-06-2004, 08:25 AM
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 188
Modem problems
I have been bugged by a buggy modems since almost the very earliest days I owned my current PC. And, well...the whole story would be too long and boring for you to tolerate. And so know I have yet another problem. Well, I could go to one of those geeky PC forums (If I haven't already before) for help, but registering is such a pain...and I figured most of those shady spiders populating this board would already been geeks...
Anyway, to cut a long story short. It all started after I brought the PC to the shop for repairs. After I got it back the modem refused to work, and I couldn't connect to the net. In the connection box it would say the modem was dialing, but then nothing would happen. It would just say 'dialing' and nothing would happen, no dial tone.etc. It would repeat this unsuccessfully. Anyway, I then brought it back and they said they 'fixed it.' Yet, still there was nothing. After strenous brain-picking and a second visit to the store nothing happened. Then I said bugger it and bought and installed a new modem. After a bit of fiddling, and adding a local prefix to the number it finally worked. I was overjoyed! :-). Until it mysterious stopped working (after my sister used it, I'm more than suspicicious). And now refuses to work! Here's what happens. You know the very first part of the dialing tone (not the actual 'dialing' tone, but the noise the modem makes, the beeps you hear before the fuzzy noise) it makes the noise for 2-3 seconds and then seems to get cut off. After that, it keeps on 'dialing' (silently, it just says 'dialing' in the status box) but nothing happens and the irritating 'Cannot establish connection' appears in the status box. I've replaced the modem, tweaked every setting imaginable but to no avail. Could anyone please help me? Thanks.