Additional info regarding this post
I'd like everyone who views this post to know that this post does not reflect what I originally wrote in the post, but rather, it reflects what Kati Compton wanted you to see of my post.
I am sick to death of control freaks permeating everything within society. If I could, I'd completely delete the post. I'd rather not be heard, than have my thoughts edited by others for no good reason. Here is the exchange between Kati and I:
Originally Posted by Kati Compton
I took out the more descriptive wording in your post about kissing butts... it was a bit much.
Just FYI.
I disagree Katy. I'm nobody on this site, so I have no option but to take it up the tailpipe and accept your decision. But, your editing of my last line completely destroyed the flavor and humor of my post. How unfortunate.
A bit much for whom? For you? I'll bet most of the other community members would have found it funny. There wasn't a single swear word or curse in the post. You castrated the mental imaging I was attempting to portray in the interest of humor.
You know, Kati..people like you are a good example of what is wrong with society in general right now, You believe that your standard is the only appropriate one, and the only one that counts or matters. You water down (or dumb down) everything you can get your hands on so that others cannot see, hear or read anything with which you disagree.
I believe the world would be a better place with fewer control freaks like you in it.