01-09-2004, 09:36 PM
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 556
Software to "BeWare" of?
Hi, all!
While I have been a PPC user for quite some time (I started with a Journada 520), I have for the most part stuck to the free software that has been available on the net.
But, as I have grown into more of what I would consider a "serious" user, I have seen the need to move into some of the more robust apps, utilities and games. However, my hobby can get kind rather expensive, rather quickly...as I'm sure you all well know.
Plus, I don't always have the time necessary to devote to trying out or testing many of the available solutions. And I've heard from others that poorly designed or written code can really trash your device.
So, I'm hoping for a little friendly community guidance. What "for pay" software have you purchased or tried in the past that stands out in your mind as simply AWFUL. Stuff that was SO AWFUL, that you feel that a warning to others would be in order. I would really appreciate your help in steering me away from anything that at best would be a waste of time, or at worst would amount to information super-"highway robbery".
Thanks for anything you feel like sharing!