01-04-2004, 09:59 PM
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 1,051
Auto Turn-on for PC - Can it be done? And, while we're at it.......
Every morning upon exiting the shower I turn on my laptop, dock my PPC, sync, and turn off the laptop.
I also noticed (on those rare occasions when I am still in bed when my wife gets up) that she uses the TV set as her alarm clock. It wakes her at 6:15 and automatically turns itself of at 7:50.
What would be nice is if I could do something like this with my laptop. Have it come on at 6:00 every morning and shut off at 6:15. This makes my normal routing of syncing up almost automatic. I've spent the last 1/2 hour searching through the Control Panel and Help features of my laptop to no avail. I'm running w/XP OS.
Can this be done?
While I'm asking basic questions, here's one more. Ever since switching from Outlook Express to Outlook (since I got my 4150 for Xmas) I now have to manually "send/receive" when turning on my laptop. This occurred upon opening the program with O/Express. Any way I can set Outlook to perform a send/receive when I open the program. I've tried a few things in Tools (really, I have) but could not find anything. I find it hard to believe that this basic functionality does not exist in Outlook.
Thanx for any advice/help.