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Old 12-16-2003, 01:15 AM
Andy Sjostrom
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,177
Default ActiveSync Thoughts

I spent my weekend with ActiveSync... and I realize that many of you can fill in with your favorite ActiveSync rant. My most recent issue is related to the dreaded "Connection Failed" message from Visual Studio .NET 2003 when trying to debug and deploy applications to devices. Instead of giving you my subjective feelings about the problem I will, for once, cut to the chase and tell you how I fixed the problem.

First, I google'd a little and spotted some replies which lead to a fairly new set of Windows CE Utilities, "Windows CE Utilities for Visual Studio .NET 2003 Add-on Pack 1.1", Microsoft. Most of the utilities are geared towards connectivity issues between devices and Visual Studio .NET 2003 through ActiveSync. I downloaded the utilies, studied the instructions and tried every hint -- but nothing worked. I found the following piece of information generally interesting: "Issue: After uninstalling ActiveSync version 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 or 3.71, deploying fails with the error message "There were deployment errors. Continue?� This typically happens when one version of ActiveSync is uninstalled and a newer version is installed. Solution: Uninstalling these versions of ActiveSync removes some registry settings that are required for deployment. You must restore these registry settings to enable deployment."

Anyway, I decided to go clean... This is what I did to get back on track:

1. Un-install Pocket PC 2003 and Smartphone 2003 SDKs
2. Un-install eMbedded Visual C++
3. Un-install Visual Studio .NET 2003 (including MSDN Library)
4. Un-install ActiveSync 3.7.1
5. Install ActiveSync 3.7.1
6. Install Visual Studio .NET 2003
7. Install Pocket PC 2003 SDK
8. Install Smartphone 2003 SDK
9. Run fixes from Windows CE Utilities

I still get deployment errors every time I try to push code to the device, but I work around that by just ignoring the errors, re-deploying and then the process works without any errors reported. This behavior is actually described in the Windows CE Utilies instructions, but the hints provided don't fix the problem. To me, it is just a minor issue. The real deal is that I can finally connect to my devices again!
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Old 12-16-2003, 03:06 AM
Mike Temporale
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I remember reading somplace on a Microsoft web page, or a readme included in one of the SDK's for SmartPhone or PPC about being extra carefull when upgrading ActiveSync after the SDK has been installed. If you are upgrading or have upgraded to AS 3.7 after VS.NET 2003 was installed that you have to run a repair on the VS.NET from the install CD's.

Now, this is a huge pain, because it is just like reinstalling, but that has to be better than everything you went through. :wink: Something to try next time, or if you got some free time.

"I have no special talents, I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein
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Old 12-16-2003, 03:24 AM
Rob Borek
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 200

Oh what fun ActiveSync is... :devilboy: The ActiveSync newsgroup is the fourth highest Pocket PC newsgroup by traffic - almost 10,000 posts in the past 6 months (thanks to Ed H. for the analysis!). And that doesn't even cover the ActiveSync questions in the other groups! 8O
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Old 12-16-2003, 03:56 AM
Master O'Mayhem
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 289

try this format c: that should fix it.. :P
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Old 12-16-2003, 06:06 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 67
Default Re: ActiveSync Thoughts

Just buy a Palm.

Originally Posted by Andy Sjostrom
I spent my weekend with ActiveSync... and I realize that many of you can fill in with your favorite ActiveSync rant. My most recent issue is related to the dreaded "Connection Failed" message from Visual Studio .NET 2003 when trying to debug and deploy applications to devices. Instead of giving you my subjective feelings about the problem I will, for once, cut to the chase and tell you how I fixed the problem.

First, I google'd a little and spotted some replies which lead to a fairly new set of Windows CE Utilities, "Windows CE Utilities for Visual Studio .NET 2003 Add-on Pack 1.1", Microsoft. Most of the utilities are geared towards connectivity issues between devices and Visual Studio .NET 2003 through ActiveSync. I downloaded the utilies, studied the instructions and tried every hint -- but nothing worked. I found the following piece of information generally interesting: "Issue: After uninstalling ActiveSync version 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 or 3.71, deploying fails with the error message "There were deployment errors. Continue?� This typically happens when one version of ActiveSync is uninstalled and a newer version is installed. Solution: Uninstalling these versions of ActiveSync removes some registry settings that are required for deployment. You must restore these registry settings to enable deployment."

Anyway, I decided to go clean... This is what I did to get back on track:

1. Un-install Pocket PC 2003 and Smartphone 2003 SDKs
2. Un-install eMbedded Visual C++
3. Un-install Visual Studio .NET 2003 (including MSDN Library)
4. Un-install ActiveSync 3.7.1
5. Install ActiveSync 3.7.1
6. Install Visual Studio .NET 2003
7. Install Pocket PC 2003 SDK
8. Install Smartphone 2003 SDK
9. Run fixes from Windows CE Utilities

I still get deployment errors every time I try to push code to the device, but I work around that by just ignoring the errors, re-deploying and then the process works without any errors reported. This behavior is actually described in the Windows CE Utilies instructions, but the hints provided don't fix the problem. To me, it is just a minor issue. The real deal is that I can finally connect to my devices again!
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Old 12-16-2003, 07:42 AM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 97

I just spent the weekend fighting with Activesync as well.

It seems like I have to define a new partnership every few months to try to deal with sync problems. I purchased FlexWallet in the big sale a few weeks ago and went to add the file to my sync folder. Well... I could not find the current sync folder... I did have 3 dead ones in the My Documents. I use XP and have it set up so my kids can log onto the computer too. I found my sync folder sitting over in my daughter's My Documents folder. I tried to delete the partnership and define a new one... this time it put it into a folder under /windows/system32/...
I finally did a registry hack and managed to get the the synch folder back into my documents folder. So far... it seems to be working.
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Old 12-16-2003, 08:21 AM
Andy Sjostrom
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,177

Originally Posted by BlueRocket
I remember reading somplace on a Microsoft web page, or a readme included in one of the SDK's for SmartPhone or PPC about being extra carefull when upgrading ActiveSync after the SDK has been installed. If you are upgrading or have upgraded to AS 3.7 after VS.NET 2003 was installed that you have to run a repair on the VS.NET from the install CD's.

Now, this is a huge pain, because it is just like reinstalling, but that has to be better than everything you went through. :wink: Something to try next time, or if you got some free time.

I tried repairing before un-installing etc. I tried many more things, actually. But this is what worked! :?
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Old 12-16-2003, 11:05 AM
Arne Hess
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 312

LOL... :-) And I thought you guys are going to launch another site called "ActiveSync Thoughts" when I saw the posting this morning in my Inbox ... Well, at least the problems with it might make it worth and who knows - might be the most visited Pocket PC and Smartphone related site... :-(
Cheers ~ Arne, MS MVP - Mobile Devices
Editor in Chief the::unwired - where mobility meets wireless
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Old 12-16-2003, 02:23 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 450

Originally Posted by Arne Hess
LOL... :-) And I thought you guys are going to launch another site called "ActiveSync Thoughts"
Hahaha... yeah, that sucking sound you would hear would be all the bandwidth going down the drain from the millions of posts!

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Old 12-16-2003, 06:27 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 13
Default No problems here with AS

Maybe it's just me, but I've honestly never had a problem with ASync since my original 3650. Three iPaq's later, still no issues.

Only "problem" I've ever encountered was with AvantGo, but that was an account/connectivity issue.

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