It must be Spring!
I'm ready for summer
I spent the last couple of days in Boston and New York and I'm now home in the Philly area. What's the biggest topic of conversation everywhere? Baseball.
This off-season is proving to be as much fun as the real season was. The spending battle between Henry (who I can't stand) and George (who has a certain charm despite being a real DH - and no I don't mean a player who is too fat to run anymore) is just so entertaining. I know George doesn't really care for Pettite but letting him get away is unbelievable.
Even our Phillies are getting in on the act. Will we be able to get rid of J-Ro and Abrau for Nomar and Nixon? Assuming Boston finally find a sucker to take Manny and they get A-Rod of course. And what about Baltimore going around making huge offers to everyone? Heck, I'm expecting a call from them at any moment. I only want $5 million a year for four years, a bargain. :lol: Then again, maybe I should go to the Mets. I could make the same contribution as Fat Mo for much less money.
I'm looking forward to Andy and Roger in the Astros' rotation.
I hope the real season isn't an anti-climax after all this fun.