11-08-2003, 03:04 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 8,228
What is on your task bar most of the time
The Google Deskbar thread made me wonder how many of you have room on your task bar to give up for the new utility. I don't. This is my taskbar.
Sorry, but the nature of this thread means it won't be mobile friendly and even desktops will need to scroll.
Outlook 2003 is always running, but the other 10+ apps change depending on whether I am at home or work (this is a laptop.) The last toolbar on the top row is my desktop flyup menu. Across the bottom is my Application toolbar which has Desktop, WMP9, Office 2003 apps (Outlook, Excel, Access, Word, PowerPoint, Project, Visio, FrontPage, OneNote), Money 2004, Textpad, Calculator, eWallet, ListPro, PaintShop Pro 8, Animation Shop 3, HanDBase, Citrix and (not shown - use chevron) Task Scheduler, Windows Explorer. Then there is my Internet Toolbar which is showing 3 Forte Agent servers. The flyup on that has 7 more Agent servers (come on multiple server support Agent 2.x!!!) FTP Explorer, Audibe Manager and Internet Explorer. Finally, Window Media Player 9 when it is minimized.
So where would I possibly put the Google Desktop Bar? I wish it would fit under the dead area under the start bar.