10-03-2003, 03:14 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 601
Technology Saves Donut Day (and my butt)
OK, Friday is Donut Day at the office and there are two rules.
Rule 1: If you eat donuts on Friday you must be on the schedule to bring donuts. If you violate this rule the Donut Goddess will find you and it won't be pretty. Trust me on this one.
Rule 2: Do not, under any circumstances, forget to bring donuts on your scheduled day...EVER. Should you forget you will be greeted by an angry pack of donut zombies at the office who will send you right back out the door telling you to return with donuts or don't return at all...EVER.
So today is Friday and I arrive calmly at work and shut the car off only to hear my Axim trying to get my attention from my briefcase (side note: maybe turning Metallica "And Justice For All" up to eleven on the way to work isn't such a good idea). Instantly I know what the Alarm Note is...my God...its Donut Day...MY Donut Day. Panic. I usually buy donuts near my home, 30 minutes away, and I have no idea where the nearest donut shop to my office is. AAAAAGGGHHH! The donut zombies will kill me!
Enter technology to save the day.
Turn on the Axim, open PIE which pops open Dave Beauvais's most excellent start page. Click on the Info side bar, then Yellow Pages. My Axim dutifully reaches out to my T68 via the Bluetooth CF card and connects to T-Mobile which thankfully is both available and providing some reasonable bandwidth. Seach InfoSpace Yellow Pages for "donuts" in the town where my office resides...BINGO! Only 3 miles away, no problem. Panic changes to calm.
I love technology...and donuts RULE!