09-18-2003, 08:41 PM
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 12
About to buy an H1940.. few questions ;p
Hey all, am a newbie here so please bare with me.
I used to have an old Ipaq 1560 or something, it was huge, and was same weight as a brick and a half. I bought it in the first place to browse the internet, but it took 9 years to load a page on that thing, so I sold it off 2 weeks after I got it, loosing some cash on the transaction.
Anyways, time goes on, and I got my eye on the new H1940. I absolutely love the size of it, the weight, and the bluetooth/SD slot. However, I do have a few questions.
Can you browse the internet on a PDA? I mean seriously browse, without waiting 2 minutes for each page to be proccessed. (And i dont mean the connection speed, say if the pages were cached on the hdd, or you did the usb connection).
I have 2 phones with IR ports, can you browse the net wirelessly, by connecting the PDA to the phone through the IR port? If the answer is yes, will I browse in real "WWW" format like I am doing so now sitting at my desktop, or will it be the WAP stuff like on my phone (text and stuff).
PS. My phones are Siemens S40, and Nokia 8290. (btw I do know about bluetooth and cables, but am just interested in IR for now)
If the unit is off how long will it hold the charge? I read some reviews, and all mostly just mention the amount of playback on one charge.
Processor wise, is there now a standard of handheld proc's? Like in the desktop world you have the x86, so if I dl an x86 prog, I know I can run it. For the H1940, will in run the intel xscale apps, or even older stuff like old ppcdoom apps etc.. ?
Thats about it, if some questions are really retarded, I am sorry in advance lol ;p
Thanks guys.