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Old 07-31-2003, 09:54 AM
Andy Sjostrom
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,177
Default A Must Have Pocket PC Networking Book

Steve Makofsky is a well-known profile in the Microsoft Mobile Devices community. He just got his new book released and it is now available on the Internet and in a store near you!

The book is called "Pocket PC Network Programming" and provides a great amount of information on Pocket PC connectivity. In fact, I don't think there is any one place that is more complete than this book. It is not Steve's first book, since he co-authored "Teach Yourself Windows CE Programming in 24 Hours" in 1999. Find out more about "Pocket PC Network Programming" from the author's web site! Here is a list of topics covered in the book:

"* Understanding the basics of Winsock, Windows Internet (WinINet), the IP Helper APIs, HTTP, and the File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
* Using network resources
* Creating, establishing, and controlling dialup network connections
* Integrating applications with the Pocket PC Connection Manager
* Short Message Service (SMS) Messaging
* Using the Global System for Mobile communication (GSM)
* Interacting with the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM)
* Remote control of a device from a desktop
* Building an ActiveSync Service Provider
* Building applications that integrate with Contact, Application, and Task data
* Writing e-mail enabled applications
* Programming and writing network applications and using Web Services with the .NET Compact Framework"
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Old 07-31-2003, 05:06 PM
Jimmy Dodd
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 713
Default Re: A Must Have Pocket PC Networking Book

Originally Posted by Andy Sjostrom
* Building an ActiveSync Service Provider
I'd love to know how much info he includes on building ActiveSync service providers. The Microsoft documentation is really lacking in this area, and all other books I've seen only cover the most basic info.
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Old 07-31-2003, 06:06 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 88

What I'd really like to see is how to create an ActiveSync service provider in .NET CF. That would probably be worth the price of the book for me.
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Old 07-31-2003, 06:14 PM
Jimmy Dodd
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 713

Originally Posted by stevehiner
What I'd really like to see is how to create an ActiveSync service provider in .NET CF. That would probably be worth the price of the book for me.
Unfortunately, there's no support for ActiveSync providers in .NET CF. I guess you'd have to have two chapters: 1) "How to create an ActiveSync service provider", and 2) "How to call unmanaged code With P/Invoke." :roll:
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