I was flying on a major airline last week and had to witness yet another tirade unleashed by some self absorbed techno-junkie with a massive sense of entitlement. He argued loudly and abusively with the flight attendant for the better part of 5 minutes (thanks for the delay) about shutting his computer off before departing the gate and argued once again when it was time to land because he was already trying to use his cell phone. I've seen this type of behavior to varying degrees on 3 of the last 5 flights I have been on. All I can say is stop it...NOW...PLEASE. :twak:
Now...most everybody figures that 99% of the electronics we bring on the aircraft pose little threat to the aircraft systems. And thats probably correct. The FAA is finally, officially looking at this. See Jason's recent post on this subject
But until the FAA gets off its butt, completes its testing and gets all the "i"'s dotted and the "t"'s crossed I implore those of us with half a brain to quit creating a problem on the aircraft. These are the rules we have to deal with until then. Arguing with a flight attendant about the merits of electronic interference is asinine. Flight attendants must enforce the rules, its part of the job. So please let them do their job and shut your stuff off when you are asked to.
If you want to lodge a complaint about airline policy it is far more effective to call their customer service number than it is to badger a flight attendant who is 6 hours into a 10 hour day.