I have an iPAQ 5450 and a Thinkpad with a Belkin Bluetooth card in it. I established a Bluetooth internet connect a couple of weeks ago to use my laptop internet connect to surf using the iPAQ. It worked fine.
But now, I'm having issues. I haven't changed any settings that I know of. I've deleted and re-established the connection, but not it wants a Network logon and tries to dial the BT Null modem which only has a +1 in the dialing strings.
I've tried deleting the modem settings under the Bluetooth setting in the connections settings. I've tried deleting everything and soft resetting. But it just won't surf and tries to "connect" to the network by asking for my login and then dialing the +1 string and hanging because that is all that is in the string.
It didn't do this a couple of weeks ago when I first connected.