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Old 03-11-2003, 06:00 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 1,023
Default Ritath's Legacy (Was "Rant for any like minded folks")

Well, just a small rant for any like minded folks still surfing around out there. If you don't like me or my usual supposed "attitude", you'll probably not want to bother reading this.

My postings have nearly dropped to nothing, mainly because of the way things are going around here. The front page these days... come on. Do I even need to say it? How many front page posts has there been in the past week alone complaining about ActiveSync or because some random thing is broke on someone's computer?

Heck, how many posts has there been in the past month or two complaining about pocket pcs in general? This is broke, that doesn't work right, this sucks, this isn't how it should be done, this person at that website says this he thinks this is lame. PPCT is becoming the most anti-pocket pc website I know. Now I'm sure you'll have reason and reason to justify this, all of which you'll be very convinced of. Yeah, and Fox News is Fair and Balanced. :twisted: (Hey, I like Fox! ) Some folks will know what I'm talking about.

Real, honest news has bottomed out. We need actual fact finding and reporting, especially on non smartphone and other just barely ppc related info. Reviews of products that's been out for a month to a year do not count. And let people to post their opinion of the product! Encourage it! We've seen where that gets ya many times over.

My suggestions to you guys at pocket pc thoughts are simple. Stop reviewing software released over two weeks ago. Instead, pick up new products. Learn to deal wth angry companies, and rock the boat a bit. Don't give us big front page news about new products you think are great, with handango links, when there are much better and free alternatives that everyone knows about. Up your software coverage BIG time, and make sure the products are actually worth talking about. Do it for the user, not for the companies.

I'd highly suggest stop ranting about the newest technology you hate, and stop ranting because you broke something else on your computer and still can't fix it. So what if the tech support guy was mean? If you MUST rant about these things, do it in the forum like everyone else and use it to build the community. (Just don't treat the responces as right or wrong, correct or incorrect.) At any rate, Try and make the front page posts count. Something worthy of 25,000 users a day seeing.

Please, stop with the no whining. Stop with the jumping down people's throats that don't dis a product just because you don't like it, and stop getting ticked off because a person doesn't like a product you like. If you don't want people to comment, simply turn off the ability. There should be no incorrect response in a forum, even if you happen to be one of only two people of 500 that disagrees. So long as you post your response intelligently and not "O yeh wel1 u suxxors!!!", it shouldn't matter one bit.

I've said it a hundred times before, this is a community site now. It's not a personal homepage, it's not a blog. If you want it to be one again, then do it! Make some simple changes so that commenting is very limited or gone. Problem solved.

As for the forums, I think the floppy thread is proof positive just how little I agree with the mentality of the users these days.
(And I've said it a hundred times before, we need faqs.)

Just a few suggestions I think would honestly help the site.
Feel free to take it or leave it.

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