01-11-2003, 12:34 AM
5000+ Posts? I Should OWN This Site!
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 5,133
Tech buyers, Laptop marketers
You know - I had started a whole long very detailed rant with quotes from websites about how horrible it is to buy a laptop these days. But Mozilla crashed on me. So you get this instead.
When buying a laptop, I for one want to visit a company's web site to see what they have to offer. In most cases, this site will have a list of all the different model lines (I've seen as many as 10, but there could be more at some sites), a "description" of each, and make you select the model line in order to find out more information (ie, SPECS!).
How are we supposed to choose between phrases such as "Style and power in a connected device" and "Power and connectivity in an attractive package"? Plus, frequently the ones that list "connectivity", as well as the ones that don't, provide the same (or similar) overall options in terms of integrated whatever. There's a lot of flowery phrasing on vendor sites that has little to do with distinguishing one model line from another.
I'd be happy if I could easily narrow down the most suitable laptop from each company so that I could then compare across companies. But comparing within a company is very difficult. It's a similar trend in desktops. Do I want to play games? Do I want to be productive? Do I want to be connected to the Internet? What if the answer is more than one? Do I trust the company to choose the best computer for me?
This is helpful for those that are buying a first-time computer or who aren't up on the current technology. But for the rest of us, it makes a purchasing decision quite difficult. I think the marketing department is working too hard to make computers sound appetizing, while actually sacrificing the quality of the purchasing experience.
Here's my favorite description, by the way, off of the Acer site:
"Aspire 1300 lets you do your most prodcutive work and give you the flexibility to live the kind of lifestyle you've always dreamed of."
So now I can finally buy that mansion by the sea and cure chronic diseases, thanks to my trusty laptop.