My sisters laptop computer was advertised as an AMD duron 900 mhz with 256MB of ram. I noticed today that ithe system properties (right click on my computer) says its running at 495mhz. So in a memory tool she has it rated her CPU clock speed at 500 mhz. Curious I downloaded Belarc advisor. That had her procrssor at 900mhz. Confused I downloaded Sissoft Sandra and that said it was 800mhz. I am not a computer idiot nor am I a whiz. Does this make sense to anyone. We bought the computer under the impression that it was a 900mhz computer. I would like to know how to tell whats telling me the truth. My gut tells me to trust windows and what it says its running at(I know true windows yeah right) because if this is the case I think she got hosed! Any advise or suggestions? Jeff